Page 13, 27th June 2003

27th June 2003

Page 13

Page 13, 27th June 2003 — Shocking truth: 500 unborn babies killed every day in Britain!

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Organisations: Pro-Life Care Online
Locations: Dundee, Edinburgh, London


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Shocking truth: 500 unborn babies killed every day in Britain!

Desperate young Mothers need your help!
Dear Reader,
You'll have trouble believing just how bad the abortion crisis is in this country. Its appalling. And it breaks my heart to tell you it's true.
Incredible as it sounds, British abortionists kill some 500 unborn babies every day. That's 179,000 abortions every year. Now two out of every five pregnancies end in abortion. And in some parts like Dundee and London, one in two. Dear friends, just imagine — half of all babies conceived, are destroyed by abortion.
You see, during the last three decades of rampant humanism, millions of British and Irish women have resorted to abortion sometimes, seeing it as a form of birth control; many women have been duped into thinking abortion isn't murder. But it is.
But, dear friend, there is hope. Let me tell you
about the work of this organisation, Pro-Life Care Online, our humble progress in saving babies and the horror stories we face every week.
Over the last year many Readers have provided financial assistance to our Organisation's counselling services, which are innovative and modern, and almost entirely web-based. Faithful people's assistance over the last year has helped us save many babies from abortion, and their mothers from a lifetime of misery and regret. And critically it has enabled us to advance our vital compassionate counselling services throughout the UK, Europe and many parts of the developing world.
Christian mother pressured to kill her unborn child
While speaking to Anne, a leading counsellor with my group recently, she told me a true story about one young mother.
Rachael is a Christian mother with 3 young children. When she was expecting her second child, her husband and his parents tried to persuade her to have an abortion. She said absolutely not! She couldn't betray her faith and her child.
Rachael tried to make her marriage work. But when she became pregnant with their third child, her husband gave her an ultimatum: "Get rid of the child or the marriage is over". His parents even conspired to have her go with them to a Liverpool abortion clinic; under severe pressure Rachael snapped and agreed to this awful arrangement.
Child saved
But, thank God. Rachael was able to access the web where she saw our counselling site — she also sent off for some of our information leaflets which. mercifully, gave her the strength to say a firm "No!" to the abortion. Without a doubt the information and the counselling she received, facilitated by the generous donations of Catholic Herald Readers. saved that baby's life.
New Initiative to establish Life Apostolate
To tackle the abortion crisis in this country, Anne and I are launching a new project to save babies, help families, and educate women. But we can't do the job alone.
That's why I have asked Readers to help me launch this project. Women and babies are counting on Pro-Life Care Online, and we are counting on you to provide the emergency help 1 need to print 50,000 full-colour factual information brochures, just like the one that saved Rachael's baby.
The cost of producing these life-saving materials and distributing them is £16,200, and a very generous parish has told me they can come up with £4,200 towards the costs that means it's down to us to raise the remaining £12,000 — We're all praying that Readers will provide this emergency gift. That's why I'm appealing for your help today.
Anne and my colleagues care deeply for unborn babies and women in crisis. But we're desperately short of funds. We're not a large wealthy organisation. We're just a group of ordinary people trying our best to save even just one more baby from abortion, And mercifully we are achieving a great deal of success. But we are completely depending on people like you. Our brave unpaid volunteers and counsellors work increasingly hard and really need and deserve our support.
The situation is grave, but we can improve it
Pro-Life Care Online has helped reduce abortion in some parts of Britain. Now we want to do the same across the rest of the UK. Here's. how we'll help the whole pro-life movement to save hundreds of babies in the next 12 months: Anne and other Pro-Life Care Online
volunteers will establish a network of pro-life internet counsellors throughout the British isles which will also link into existing pro-life telephone and office counselling services. This offers a holistic, multifaceted and practical approach which will be a first for Britain, and which 1 am convinced will be instrumental in driving down the spiralling abortion figures.
Our existing volunteer counsellors will train local people to take their place, providing local counselling both via the web and telephone, or face to face in a friendly environment.
• We need to produce and distribute 50,000 of the same leaflets that helped save Rachael's baby. Young Joshua owes his life to that same leaflet (I can send you one to see).
This is exactly what God wants for this country!
I We can't leave Anne and my fellow volunteers in the lurch. After all, a generous gift from Readers will enable us to save hundreds of babies from abortion.
I've known Anne and our other team members for a long time and trust them without reservation. When they tell me they need funds, they really do. When they say they'll do something, they do it without fail. Their reputation is impeccable, and the group's_ accomplishments are oftraordinary. That's why I ask you earnestly to support this existing and far-reaching pro-life project.
I told Anne that I would write to the Readers. Last year through we raised a gift of £10,000, enabling us to establish a crisis-pregnancy website and an office in Edinburgh. Your gift also made it possible to equip and expand our facilities into Britain's foremost life-saving
counselling site.
Your gift needed immediately
I'm praying that you'll help us this year. I want to rush Anne and our team of volunteers a cheque for £12,000 as quickly as possible.
Remember that Pro-Life Care can help save hundreds of babies in the next 12 months — eventually thousands — if we provide them with the funding they need, They have no one to turn to but people like you. If you don't give, who will?
Could you help me raise the £12,000 Anne needs by making a heroic sacrifice of £500 or £1,000 or possibly even more? When the situation is desperate, as it is in Britain right now, heroes are called upon to step forward and help. Could you be one of the heroes by making a big gift?
I realize this is a big request, but I'm praying that two or three readers can step forward with a gift for one of the larger amounts. Could you be one of them? I promise you that Anne will make each pound pull its full weight to do the most good. This life-saving apostolate deserves your utmost support.
If a large gift isn't possible, could you please send a gift of £250, £100, £75, or £50? Please send what you can, whether your gift is £100 or £10.
I believe in the power of prayer. Please pray for the success of this project, and sacrifice what you can. Send your emergency gift today.
Yours in Christ,
Miriam Nixon, Founder, Pro-Life Care
P.S. I'm amazed by all the good Pro-Life Care Online accomplishes in Britain. (and internationally). under the most difficult circumstances. Through your generosity and personal sacrifice. hundreds of babies who otherwise would be aborted will _be plucked from the jaws of abortion. Anne and the whole team are connting on our help.
P.P.S. Please send your most generous gift today, without delay. God will surely bless you for your sacrifice, in His own best way.

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