Getting started

The Catholic Herald archive is completely free to browse! We hope you enjoy digging through the history of the magazine.

If you want to receive the latest issue of the magazine then you can subscribe here.


To find the topics that you're interested in visit the advanced search page where you can search based on keywords, location, and publication date.

You can enter anything you want into the search box on the homepage or in the sidebar to get a list of all articles that match what you're looking for. For more specific searches the extra options in the advanced search page may help you find what you're looking for.

Search results are returned in pages of 10 articles but you can go deeper into the results by clicking the more results link at the bottom of the page.


When you have found an article you want to read just click on the link or page thumbnail to view it.

The text of the article has been created by the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) which scans and image of the page and extracts the layout and content. This allows the articles to be fully searchable and presented individually (instead of the page as a whole) however it is not 100% accurate and errors can be introduced into the text. Please report any errors you see to help us correct them.

At the end of each article a selection of related articles will be shown if you want to read more about the same subject.