Page 5, 10th July 2009

10th July 2009

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Page 5, 10th July 2009 — The Economy may be in crisis, but spare a thought for the 600 babies who will per

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Locations: Dundee, London


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The Economy may be in crisis, but spare a thought for the 600 babies who will per

ish today in Britain’s abortion mills. Our situation is bad, theirs is deadly!!
Dear Catholic Herald Reader,
I am sure you already know just how truly dreadful the abortion crisis is in this country. It is sadly a fact that the womb is now the most dangerous place for an unborn child to be. What a shocking reality this is!
It is a chilling fact that, every day, British abortionists slaughter nearly 600 unborn babies. That’s 210,000 babies every year. Two out of every five pregnancies end in abortion. And in places like Dundee and London, one in every two babies perish under the surgeon’s knife.
Just imagine half of all babies conceived, are destroyed by abortion. Every day we lose the equivalent of thirty classrooms of children to abortion!
You see, during the last three decades of rampant humanism millions of British and Irish women have resorted to abortion, sometimes seeing it as a form of birth control. Many women have been duped into thinking abortion isn’t murder. But it is murder – bloody, violent and cruel.
Let me share with you a case I was faced with and the horror stories we face every week Extract from ‘A Nurse’s Story An Eyewitness Account’:
“I stood at the doctor’s side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on a woman who was six months pregnant. The baby’s heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen.
The doctor delivered the baby’s body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby’s body was moving his little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his feet.
The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby’s head and the baby’s arms jerked out in a flinch, a startled reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up.
Then he stuck the high power suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby was completely limp.
I never went back to the clinic. I am still haunted by the face of that little boy. It was the most perfect, angelic face I have ever seen.”
This horrendous story highlights the true and terrible nature of abortion that is why every one of us must do all we can to stop this shameful crime against God and society.
Nevertheless, there is hope and thank God many women are able to access our online counselling site. Thousands of others regularly request our information leaflets, that, mercifully, gives many the strength to say a firm “No!” to abortion. Without a doubt the information and counselling that we provide, saves hundreds of precious baby’s lives every year.
New Initiative to establish a Life Apostolate
To tackle the abortion crisis in this country, we must educate society about the sanctity of life and the true nature of abortion. Only then will vulnerable women be offered the help they so desperately need. But I can’t do this job alone.
That’s why I am asking you to help me. Women and babies are counting on Pro-Life Care Online and we are counting on you to provide the emergency help needed to print 50,000 full-colour information brochures and to update our groundbreaking counselling website.
Our leaflets have proven so helpful over the years that several other Pro-Life Counselling groups use them throughout the UK and Ireland. And our website is one of the busiest in Europe!
The cost of producing these life-saving materials, distributing them and constantly updating our website puts a tremendeous strain on our meager finances, and now with the credit crunch taking hold, I fear that many will simply turn their back on the plight of the unborn child.
I am praying that you and people like you will provide the financial aid we so urgently need. That’s why I’m asking for your help today. We rely on you and I am praying that you will continue to protect the unborn, even in these difficult times.
A baby’s life is so very precious Like you, my colleagues and I care deeply for unborn babies and their mothers. You know we’re not a large wealthy organization. We’re just a group of ordinary people trying our best to save as many babies as we can from abortion.
That’s why we are deeply dependant on people like you. Mercifully we are achieving a degree of success but there is so much more to do.
If we act now, we can save lives
Could you help me raise the £12,000 we need right now by making a heroic sacrifice of £500 or £1,000? When the situation is so desperate for the unborn, our Lord calls upon special people to step forward and help. Have you been called to make such a gift?
I believe in miracles
I realise this is a big request but I’m praying that two or three compasionate people can step forward with a gift for one of the larger amounts. Could you be one of them?
I promise you that I will make each pound pull its full weight to do the most good. This Holy life-saving apostolate deserves your utmost support.
Nobody can do everything but everybody can do something If a large gift isn’t possible, could you please send a gift of £250, £100, £75, or £50? Please send what you can, whether your gift is £100 or £10.
We deeply appreciate all gifts and are mindful of the ‘widows mite’. Whatever you give it’s a blessing to our work and a sign that you still care deeply about the unborn.
I believe in the power of prayer. Please pray for the success of this project and sacrifice what you can. Send your emergency gift today.
Faith, when turned into ethical action can and does make a difference. I invite you to stand with me in defence of the unborn... Today...!
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Marion Nixon
Miriam (Marion) Nixon, Founder, Pro-Life Care Online
P.S. Through your generosity and personal sacrifice, hundreds of babies who otherwise would be aborted will be given the chance to live. I am counting on your help and so are they.

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