Page 4, 6th April 1950

6th April 1950

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Page 4, 6th April 1950 — IN A FEW WORDS

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Locations: Bombay, Rome, London, New York


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Refugees Together A HANDSOME volume, The Jewish Chronicle 11141-1441, commemorates this centenary of a paper which has had, • by accident, some close associations with Tee CATHOLIC HERALD. After its I.ondon offices had been blitzed, it took refuge in High Wycombe, where our paper is printed, and during those years of strain the two papers worked side by side in the offices of The Bucks Free Press, The present volume contains a picture of these offices, so familiar to us, and of machines in it. Though we ran on separate rails, naturally, my memory is always of the pleasantest relations between the two staffs, and of mutual help on occasion. That spirit of cooperation was later underlined by the Jewish Chronicle when its present editor took a leading part in establishing an organisation representative of the religious Press of the country. Ad multos annosl Another Princess Elizabeth IN Paris, it is reported, there is some 1. political trouble over the promotion of the Cause of Princess Elisabeth of France, the sister of Louis XVI, who like him was executed. It is felt that the Republic, daughter of the Revolution which massacred the Royal Family, will be slighted if one of the victims is raised to the altars
of the Chinch. Though Princess Elizabeth's Cause has nothing to do with her politics, position and death. I can quite imagine that in ardent and emotional breasts. she could become a symbol of the Right versus the Left. Royal saints have become rare, but then so has royalty.
Mgr. Duchemin's Plan I SEE it is the always excellent Beda
Review that the Rector, Mgr. Duchemin, is planning to extend the work of the Reda Association which includes not only old students of the College, but honorary members interested in the great work of fostering and promoting and supporting those late vocations for which the Redo specially caters. These honorary members appear to have had a somewhat inactive part in the Association, and Mgr. Duehemin plans to offer then a more active and inter ested role. Certainly, few works can be more important these days than extending the priesthood, more especially by such older and matures vocations from the world which often result in priests in closer natural con tact with the world outside. The danger of the clergy acquiring a socially separate status, as though a kind of caste, is surmounted by such late vocations for which Mgr. Duchemin has done so much.
"Gill and Hague" I AM sorry that in my note on " Catholics and Printing " I forgot altogether to refer to the work of " Gill and Hague" at the Pigorts Press, the successors to the great work of Eric Gill. The heading to this newspaper is in Gill's Perpetua type (named after his daughter) as Joanna type is name after another daughter, the wife of Rene Hague. In the old days I often visited Pigotts in the Chiltern Hills. but now live
too far away. Another Catholic Press. I am informed, is the "Cockerill Press." All of this emphasises the point that the service of printing in the finest manner possible is a congenial Catholic activity.
Silk Worm Statistics LAST week we had an account of
the Benedietio Bornbycum (which sounds suspiciously like the Blessing of Bombs, but in fact is the Blessing of Silkworms) at Farnborough, and Dom Edmund Fatt has given rather fuller information about his enterprise. Silkworms will only feed on mulberry leaves, or at least they might eat lettuces, but if they did they would not produce silk. So Dom Edmund. who has already planted 1.000 trees, of which 50 are large enough to pick leaf front hopes to have a plantation of 20.000 which will be in production in five years. I oz. of silkworm eggs produces 30.000 worms; and 30,000 worms consume a ton of leaves in 30 days. If the Government hears of the scale of the enterprise, it will probably want to nationalise it.
Anglican Development WRITINCi in comment about Dr. Garbe(t's recent views on " Reunion." a Frenchman, who came to this country a good many years ago and perhaps notes changes here more than we do, points out :
"When I first came to this country, neatly half a century ago, the word ' Roman Catholic ' was hardly used. Whitaker's Almanack and other books of reference referred to the ' Catholic Church,' and not to the ' Roman Catholic Church.' There were a few so-called ' High churches then, of course, but they did not use the term AngloCatholic.' A Frenchman or an Italian was very seldom confused if he went into an Anglican church. Bishops of the Established Church did not wear mitres regularly, as they do now. You would not have witnessed a procession of Anglican divines in purple robes. full copes and coloured mitres, giving their blessing to the people." I suppose someone has studied the stages of "development " in the Established Church. but it would certainly be interesting if a Catholic historian recorded the stages of ritualistic progress and, possibly also, modernist regress.
Cui Bono?
THIS month's Sower, which Father
F. H. Drinkwater edits, has a fresh and very suggestive ang4 to make about the State and the voluntary schools. The Editor points out that the Education Ministry and the I oca 1 Education authorities already possess all the control they need over voluntary schools, save in actual religious teaching and safeguards. Why then be ready to spend £600 millions to achieve total school control ?
"The chief trophy of victory," he writes, " is the appointing of head teachers. The naked, ugly truth is that the State is expected to £600 million (the estimated cost of taking over all the voluntary schools) for no other return than to give the I„E.A.'s a little more patronage and to throw open a few thousand more headships to teachers who need have no religious beliefs or attachments at all. If the ordinary taxpaying Englishman realized that, who can say what his reaction might be ? Democratic control of education— why doesn't somebody ask a few Socratic questions about that bit of unexamined humbug?"
The Archbishop of Bombay I UNDERSTAND that Press reports stating that Mgr. Roberts, Archbishop of Bombay, was per
sonally present at the recent Apostleship of the Sea Congress in Rome
are incorrect. In fact, the Archbishop was giving a retreat in Scotland at the time. The error occurred because the Archbishop was invited to read a paper on the Apostleship about which he is an authority, by the Archbishop of Genoa. The paper was sent and read—but not by Mgr. Roberts himself. He is at the moment giving retreats in London.
Scarlet Symbols HOLY Year, I read, is influencing " women's fashions in New York. Hair is being cut like a nun's coif— though not, I note, like a nun's. Scarlet and purple in skull caps and cassock coats are in demand, while a ring is worn over the glove to look like a bishop's. Other symbols, one hopes, of inner grace.
Catholic Housewife's Corner SUPPOSING I find in my kitchen, on abstinence day, the following :
A little margarine, running short however.
Some " ration " lard, made of— heaven knows what; not much • pig about it I expect; whale oil may be nearer the mark ? but " better not inquire." Some mutton fat from the joint, rendered down.
Some beef dripping, full of nice little meaty scraps. Sonic surplus bacon fat, poured off after the last breakfast.
" May I do any or all of the following with any or all of the above, in so far as my cooking recipes require ?
Fry fish or eggs. Make an omelette, stirring the fat in at the start, but finishing off by lightly frying it. Make cakes or puddings, using the typical proportion of " equal quantities of margarine and lard (or dripping)."
Bake fish or eggs in a flat dish, with knobs of fat on the top.
" If any reverend theologian feels charitably moved to enlighten our darkness, I hope he will first have a
little talk with his housekeeper!" (From a letter.)

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