Page 3, 29th June 1979

29th June 1979

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Page 3, 29th June 1979 — News

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Locations: Vatican City


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Pope keeps continuity in new appointments
POPE JOHN PAUL II, continuing his renewal at top levels in the Vatican within a framework Of continuity with preceding pontificates, early in May named Mgr Eduardo Martinez Semitic), a Spaniard. as the first non-Italian Under Secretary of State, filling the vacancy left by Cardinaldesignate duiscppe Capri°. who was nominate President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See.
Al the same time the Pope named an Italian. Mgr Achille Silvestrini, as Secretary of the Codncil of Publiy Affairs of the Church. and a Lithuanian, Mgr Audiys Backis. as Under Secretary or the same council.
Several weeks later, Pope John Paul named Cardinal Paoli Berta, from northern Italy, to the post or camerlengo. or chamberlain, of the Roman Catholic Church.
With these nominations Pope John Paul II continues a reorganisation ut the top or the Vatican hierarchy prompted principally by the unexpected death of Secretary of State Villot on March 9 of this year.
The vacancy left by Villot was filled when Agostino Casaroli, to be elevated to the rank of Cardinal in tomorrow's Consistory. was nominated as his successor.
"[his renewal is seen as a reinforcement of the international character of the Roman Curia as well as a clear continuity with preceding pontificates. as both Silvestrini and Somalo, for example, with respectively 25 and 23 years' of experience in the Vatican Diplomatic Corps. were close collaborators of both Villot and Casaroli.
Some Vatican observers see the most noteworthy aspect of this renewal in the separation of duties at top levels. Vilot. as Secretary of State and hence the second most powerful man in the Vatican, also held the titles of Camerlengo. President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See and President of the Commission for the State of Vatican City. '
While Cardinal Bertoli now holds the title of Camerlengo and Cardinal-designate Capri° that of Administrator or the Patrimony. no one has yet been designated as President of the Commission Ibr the State of Vatican City.
Casaroli may hold it nominally, hut some observers are speculating that this title may go to one of the newly-created cardinals in the fonhcoming consistory.
In any case. experienced observers see this separation of duties, with some influantial posts assigned to non-Italians, as both beneficial and as creating a balance between Italians and nonItalians and conservatives and liberals.
They say it implicitly reestablishes the original distinction of duties between Secretariat or State and other administrative aspects or the Vatican.
Pope John Paul, while seeking to give a pastoral imprint to his pontificate, also seeks to enlarge the sphere of' collegiality — that is. of collaboration and dialogue between the Holy Sec and the Church's bishops in the reality' of decision-making and governing. His nominations thus far seem to confirm that desire.
Though no confirmation has come from the Vatican, other loplevel posts, prefects of some of the Curia's ten Congregations, are up for renewal. A prefect is normally appointed for a renewable term of five Years.
Protocol calls for the resignation or each prefect at the election of a new pontiff and Pope John Paul II, soon after his election. reappointed all congregation prefects.
Some terms of office, however. expire this year and it is expected that in one or two cases, due to the ill-health of the Cardinal Prefect involved, there may be some new appointments, possibly from the Cardinals created in tomorrow's Consistory.
One name mentioned as a new prefect — though officials declined to say for which congregation — is the Polish Cardinal-designate Ladislao Rubin, who is the current Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.

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