Page 12, 1st December 2000

1st December 2000

Page 12

Page 12, 1st December 2000 — Bishops' diaries

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Bishops' diaries

Keywords: Religion / Belief

December 3 to 9
ENGLAND Archbishop C Murphy-O'Connor t Westminster): Sun. M. Sinithill I Parish.
▪ Tue: Trustees Mtg. Archbp's Hse,
"7/Archbp's Council, Archbp's Hsc, 4pm. 'Wed: Interviews & Engagements,
O a:chile's Ilse. Thu: Meets with Vicars for • Religious, Aithhp's Hse, II am. 0. Stroud Crum, 7pnl, Fri: Episcopate 0. Nolti ngtam. Sal!' O. Kingshincl. 3pm
IA rehblehop V Nichols (Birmingham): M, Vietnamese Pastoral Centre, '230prn. Tuc: Coeneil of Priests, Mary'vele Institute. 10am. Woman's Advisory Mtg, Archbp's Hse, 13prn. Wed: TES Management C'ttee Mtg. London. pThu: Episcopal 0. Coadjutor Bp of NO4111. Vespers, Oscan College. f6pin. Fri: Episcopal 0. 9th Bp of Noun. Archbishop P Kelly (Liverrs)ol): Sun: M liar First Sunday of Advent. Cathedral. I I 4M, Advent SNUCnCn, Cathedral, 5pm. .Mon: Bps' Day of Recullection, Lced.s. :Tile: Rededication or St Ambrose IntST:h, Seeke.,1 I 5itill. Archbp's Council: Curial Offices, 10.15am,Commences Canonical V: Carmelite Monastery. L' pool. 4pm. Wed: M & V contd. Carmelite Monastery, L'poot. M with Guild of St Nicholas, St Anthony of Padua. Mossley Hilt pm. Meets with Guild of St Nicholas, Archhp's Else. pm.lhu: Episcopal 0,Coadjutor Hp of Menesia, St Joseph's. Swansea, Noon.
Fri: Episcopal 0, 13p of is. I lam. Si Barra as, Notts. M, for Petrone] Feast of Church of SI Maria, Sheffield, 7.30pm. Sat: Advent Reflection: St Mary's, Lowe Ilse. St !Wens, M. 10ant & Noon.
Archbishop M Bowen (Southwark); Mon: M for Goan Community, W Norwood, 7.30pm. Thu: Episcopal 0,Coadjutor Bp of Menevia Swensea, Noon. Fri: Opens new Nursery seh. Scrawl, 2pm.
Bishop P Pargeter (Birmingham); Mon: V. St Joseph's Sch, Sutton Coldrield, 2piii. C, Holy Trinity, Sutton Coldficld, 7 10pm, Tee: Council of Clergy Mtg, Maryville, 11 ain. C. Sacred Hcan, Four Oaks, 7.30pm. Wed: V, Oratory Sch, Wham, 10am. Thu: Episcopal 0 of Coadjutor Bp of Menevia, Noon. Hi: Chapter M, tlam & 12.45pm, Prenatal Feast Day M. Slone. 7.30pm. Sat: C, Oratory, Wham, I lam.
Bishop T McMahon (Brentwood): Sun: E Advent Service with Choristers from Brentwood & Chelmsford Cathedral. Cathedral. 5pm. Tuc: AGM of diocesan trustees, Cash Hsc, Noun. Interviews, Club Hsc. pm. Wed: V, & C. St John the Baptist, Ilford, Thu: M,F.piseopal 0. Swansea. Noon. Fri: M, Episcopal 0. Nottingham, 11.30ani. Sat: ChoH sters Awards, Chelmsford Cathedral, 5pm. Bishop M Alexander (Clifton): Sun: V. St Gerard's, Knowle, Brisiol. Diocesan Cath Children's Society Carol Service. Clifton Cathedral, 3prit Tuc: M and presents exam certificates, St Gregory's Sch, Bath, 7.30pm. Wed: M & Dinner with the UCM. Bath, 7.3(Ipm, Thu: Episcopal 0, Coadjutor of Menevia, Swansea Cathedral. Noon. Fri: Episcopal 10. Bp or Notts. I1.31ken. M & Institutes candidates for Permanent Diaconate to the Ministeries el Lectorate & Acolyte. 7.30pm. Sat: Day of Recullecrion for Catholic Women's League. Prinknash Abbey, am. V, Prinknash Abbey. pm. Bishop P Smith (East Anglia): Sun: V, St
Mary Magdalene's. Ipswich. Wed: CES Management C'ttec Mrs, London, 2pm. Thu: Diocesan Finance Board. Diocesan Offices, 10.10am.
Bishop I Raws-thonie 0 lallam): Sun:V. St Michael & All Angels, Wombwell, 9_3(him, Mon: Bps Mtg, Leeds, 10.30am. Rainbows Trustees. Leeds, 5pm. Tue: Bps' Conference, London, 12.30pm. Wed: Rainbows Management, Pastoral Centre. 10am. Hospital Chaplains Mig, Pasiond Centre, 6pm. Thu: V contd/. 9.I5am. Open new classrooms, St Peter in Chains, Doncaster. 2pni. Fri: 0 Bp of Nons, II .3(fam. M, St Marie's Cathedral. 7pm. Sat: CY'S Exec bilg, Loudon. Noon.
Miami) A Griffiths (flesh= & Newcastle): Sun: M. SI Andrew's. Newcastle, 10.30ain & (.pro. Mon: RC/Methodist Cure. Toe: Mir with Vicars General, I 0.30ant. Mfgwith Consultors. Noon. Diocesan Finaitee C' nee Mtg. 4prit. Diocesan Pastoral Council Working Party Mtg., 7pri1. Thu: 0,Coadjutor tip of Menevia Swansea Cathedral, Noon. En: 0,13p of Notts, Cathedral, 11.30am. M in Thanksgiving, Cathedral, Newcastle, for SVP's 70 years working fur Our Lady of Lourdes Deaf Ceutre, 6.30pie. Sat: Vigil M. Ors, Washington, 6.30pm.
Bishop n Constant (Leeds): Sun: Jubilee V. Holy Spirit Parish, Slam ingly, 10.3(kun. Mon: MT of Northern Ape, Bp's Else. 10.30ant Mtg of Rainbows Trustees, (scuts, 5pm. Tue/Wed: Dice Clergy Cont, Hinsley Hall, 10.30em. Thu: 0 of Coadjutor Bp of Menevia. Swansea, Noon. Jubilee V to St Nicholas. Leeds. 7.30pm. 0 of Bp or Notts, Noon. Jubilee V to Immaculate Conception, Idle, 730pm. Sat: Mtg of CNCEW C'ttee for International Justice & Peace, Hinstey Hall, Leeds, lam. Jubilee V, First Martyrs' Parish. Bradford, Bishop J Crowley ( Middleshrmigh): Mon: Mig of Northern Bps, Leeds, am/pm. Tuc: Day of Recollection to Priests. Southern Vicariate, Endslicgh Centre, am/pm. Wed: Mug with recently 0 Priests, Bp's Hue, 4pnt. Fri: V Macmillan College. Middlesbrough (E Project) am, Sat: Recollection Day for Lay People, Emisleigh Centre, 2pin.
Bishop C Hollis (Portsmouth): Sun: M, St Edmund Campion, Maidenhead, 9.30 & 11.15am. Wed: Dim Trustees Mtg. Bp's Hse, Porismonth,10-10.30ani. Thu Episcopal 0 of Coadjutor Bp of Menevia Neon, Cathedral, Swansea. Noon. Ern Bp's Council Mtg, Bp's Else. 11411.1. Ehoc Pastoral Council M lg. Park Place Pastoral Centre, Wickham, Sat: Dine Pastoral Council Mtg, Contd/. am. CEEM Anglophone Gp Mg, Osterley. London, 5pm.
B ishop T Brain (Salford): Sun: V, St Philip's Univ Church & Chaplaincy. M. 11 am Solemn Vespers & Sermon, Ss Philip's 5pm. Mon: Newman College Trustees Mug, B'harn. Tue: GML-T Pres idents Mtg, The Hollies, Manchester Ruud, Rochdale, a.m. M Anointing of the Sick, Little Sisters of the Poor, Plymouth Grove 5pm. Wed: Chapter M, am. Thu: Episcopal 0, Coadjutor of Menevia, Swansea Cathedral, Noon. Emmaus Celebration. Manchester Cathedral, 7pm. Fri: Episcopal 0, Bp or Noes, Nottingham Cathedral. IL .30arn. Silver Jubilee M. St Mary's. Levenshulme, 7.30pm.
Bishop B Noble (Shrewsbury): Sun: Afternoon of Recollection for Eucharistic Ministers and readers, Mann Centre, Birkenhead, 2pm, Mom Mtg of Newman College Trustees, Wham, 2.15pm. Tue: Clergy Day of Recollection. Molpass. Wed: Mtg of Episcopal Vicars, Curial Offices. I pm, Thu: Episcopal 0. Coadjutor Bp of Menevia, Swansea. Fri7 Interviews, Curial Offices, ant. Lourdes Hospitality M. St Wcrburgh's, Chester. 7.30pin. Sat: Millennium M, for the Religious of the diocese cat St Theresa's, B laeon, 2pm. Bishop C Henderson (Southwark): Sun: Goan Community M. Erich, I 2.30pm.Mon: Churches Together for Inter-Faith Relations Mtg, Inter-Church Hsc, SF.1. Noon-5pm. Toe: Council or Christian & Jews Exec, 2pm. Mtg of CCJ Branch Reps, 4pm. AGM, CC), Comelirrl Hue, (rpm 'Thu: Concelebrates Episcopal 0. Swansea Cathedral. Noon, Fri: Concelebrates Episcopal 0. Cathedral Nottingham, 1 l .30ant Sat: Conducts Day ul Prayer and Recollection, Sacred HMI Convent, .5E3, for UCM, 11) 3(larri4pm.
Bishop Howard Tripp (Southwark): Sun: M & Confers Diaconate Ministries of Woncrsh, 4pm. The: Chairs Area J&P Commission Mtg, Archbp's Ilse, 7pm. Wed: Carols. SI Georges Cathedral. 7.30pm. Thu: Ed C'ttec Mtg, Archbp's Else, 1(1.15ailt Sat: Mtg of Exec of Catholic Assoc for Racial Justice.
Bishop J O'Brien (Westminster): Tue: Diocesan Trustees Mtg., Archhp's HNC, 2pro. Archbp's Council. Arehbp's Hse, 430pnt Thu: Mahon Hue Trustees, Mill Hill, 10am. Fri: Episcopal 0, Notts Cathedral. 1130am. C, St Anthony's, Radlett 7.30pm, Sat: V, Si Augustine's, Hoddesdon.
Bishop P O'Donoghue (Westminster): Sun: C. SI David's. &unwell. 10am. C,
OL of Lourdes. Uxbridge. 5pm. Mon: Trustees Mtg. The Passage Day Centre, Carlisle St, 5pm. Tue: Diocesan Pastoral Board. 10.30am. Diocesan Trustees Mtg. 2pm. Archbp's Coantal Mtg. 4pm. Thu: V, OL of Lourdes. Uxbridge. Fri: 0, Bp of Notts. Sat: Mtg. St Mary's College, Strawberry Hill, 4.30pm. PGCEGnaluation, St Mary's College, Strawberry Hill. 6.30mn.
Bishop F Wathisley (Forces): Thu: Epic. copal 0. to Diocese of Menevia, 11.111arn.
WALES Bishop IS Mullins (Menevia): Thu:Episcopal 0. Coadjutor Bp of Menevia, Cathedral, Swansea, Noon.
Bishop E Regan (Wrexham): Sun: V, Porthmadog, Mon: N Bps' Gp. Leeds, Tee: St Mary's Sch, Holyhead. Wed: St Mary's Sch, Wrexham, am. Thu: 0, Coadjutor Bp or Menevia, Swansea. Fri: 0 for Bp of Notts.
KEY: M-Mass. C-Confirmation. V, Visitation. 0-Ordination. Mtg-Meeting. SalteSelinel.F.S-Erumeilicai Service.
We regret that we cannot guarantee the inclusion nf Bishops' engagements received later than midday on the Monday prior to puhliesition.

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