Page 10, 17th February 1967

17th February 1967

Page 10

Page 10, 17th February 1967 — PEOPLE AND PLACES

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Edited by "P.1
"Telephone Southern Independent Television if you have a problem about religion. We will comment on it during a live programme.
THIS is the idea behind At Your Service, a new series on Southern ITV which started on Monday. The programme director, George, Egan, said: Because of the decrease in parishioners attending the Anglican Holy Trinity Church, Bordesley, Birmingham, it may be given to the Catholic Church's St. Anne's parish, whose church, serving 4,000, is threatened by a roadwidening scheme.
Fr. M. Buckley, parish priest, said the plan was to buy the Vicarage and have the use of the church and responsibility for all expenses for an indefinite period. The estimated cost of conversion would be in the region of £10,000.
"We want people to write, or telephone us at Southampton 28582.
"From 7.30 p.m. each everting I shall be on duty at the studios, with one of our religious advisers, to receive the calls. We shall base the evening epilogue on viewers' questions. We are prepared to interrupt a broad
Students to go 'all Japanese'
ACATHOLIC women's teacher-training college is to go "all Japanese" for two days. On February 23 and 24 the 700strong Digby Stuart College of the Sacred Heart at Roehampton will immerse itself in oriental culture-everything from the Japanese tea ceremony to Kabuki theatre and judo.
Weightier subjects will be inaugural address on the history of Japan by Prof. W. G. Beasley, Professor of Far Eastern History at London University, and a lecture on recent industrial development by Mr. Hiroshi Yokoto, Counsellor for Economic Affairs at the Japanese Embassy.
The second day will be devoted to Japan's religions and culture, starting with a lecture on the Catholic Church there by Fr. Michael Cooper, S.J., of Campion Hall, Oxford. This will be followed by a symposium on the Church in Japan in which merit ltmrt nuns will be joined by Fr. Cooper, Fr. Denis Ryan, chaplain to the college, and Mother Theobald. During the conference, which will be opened by the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Shigemobu Shima, there will be exhibitions of Japanese designs, books, prints, textiles, castles, ceramics and industry.
cast with a late comment".
The kind of question Mr. Egan expects to receive is: "In spite of the Commandment, 'Thou shalt not kill', does the Church condone war?"
"Questions like these are timeless", he said "hut in each age there is a valid contemporary answer". A PILGRIMAGE which re suited in a 100 per cent. increase of applicants for the priesthood in the Brentwood Diocese last ye r is to be repeated. Fr. Charles Loughran, Director of Vocations for the Diocese, said this week that he has chartered four Britannias to take 500 people to Lourdes "to pray for the increase of vocations". The operation will cost nearly f9,000.
Fr. Loughran, who runs a correspondence club for 200 boys who feel they may h 1/e a vocation, said that although the. Catholic population of Brentwood had increased 500 per cent. since 1917, the number of priests had only just doubled.
The first pilgrimage will be on April 1 and the second on April 8. Pilgrims will leave on Saturday morning and return on Sunday night. The all-in cost-"including a candle for the procession". says Fr. Loughran-is £19. His address is: The Catholic Rectory, Cliffsea Grove, Leigh on Sea, Essex.
AFTER 56 years in the priest hood, Fr. John Glavin, who has been at St. Mary's, Leek, Staffordshire, since 1935, has retired at the age of 83. A native of Ireland, he was ordained in 1911 and served as a curate at Birkenhead and Walsall, before moving to Handslaorth, Birmingham. as parish priest in 1921. He remained there for 14 years before moving to Leek. In 1936 he became Rural Dean of the Uttoxeter Conference.
THREE Venture Scouts of the
21st North Lewisham Group are being presented with the Queen's Scout Badge by the District Commissioner at St. Winifred's School, Manor Lane, Loe. They are Anthony Garnish, aged 16; Phillip Wall. 17; and Darryl Foxwell, 16. All attend St. Winifred's primary school, but Garnish is now at the Salesian College and Foxwell and Wall are at St. Joseph's Academy, Blackheath.
TWO secondary and eight primary schools have been opened in the Shrewsbury diocese in the past year, and 17 primary schools are being built or are in the planning stage. These figures were given las Bishop Grasar in a Lenten Pastoral appealing for help for the diocesan development fund Last year's collection amounted to £16.448, bringing the fund's total to £233,863.
MASS will be celebrated in 23 ou es in Banbury next week during a mission at St. John's. Banbury, conducted by Frs. Anthony Gilby and Eamon C!arke, of the Catholic Missionary Society.
RICHARD SHEARMAN, 19, of Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, and for many years a member of St. Augustine's altar servers' guild. has won the Richmond Exhibition in History at Downham College, Cambridge. At present, he is teaching English conversation to senior pupils in a boarding school at Orthez, France.
BECAUSE of the shortage of
choir members, it was not possible to have Sung Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church, Richmond, Surrey, recently for the first time for many years. Appealing for men and women singers, Fr. Francis Davys, the parish priest, recalls the time when the Richmond choir was well known far outside the parish and says it would be splendid if such days returned.
AMONG items at the Victoria
and Albert Museum exhibition illustrating relations between Britain and Russia is the "Leningrad Book." an 8th century Northumbrian Book of the Gospels, illuminated in the Anglo-Irish style of the Lindisfarne Gospels. Another exhibit is the manuscript of the Venerable Bede's "Ecclesiastical History" from Leningrad. The exhibition remains open until April 2.
THE LADIES of the Methodist
Church, Cork are serving bread and cheese lunches each Thursday during Lent, in aid of Gorta, the Freedom from Hunger Compaign.
BISHOP WHEELER of Leeds said last week when he went to Krim-cos/If-4,mph •n
bless St. Mary's primary school that he would like k . t century Chapel of Our Lady of the Crag, which is set in a cliff at Knaresborough, restored as a splendid shrine."
DOM WILFRID PASSMORE, O.S.B.. former headmaster of Downside School and Prior of Downside Abbey, has been blessed as eighth Abbot of Downside by Bishop Rudderham of Clifton. The service, held on the Feast of the Co-iversion of St. Paul. was attended by several Anglican clergy, including the Bishop of Taunton.
IT was announced at a recent
meeting in Rome of the international council of Iron Curtain Church Relief that more than £178.000 was distributed to the Persecuted Church last year. Contributions by Catholics and non-Catholics in Britain totalling £14,000 were sent from the English Centre of I.C.C.R. at Our Lady of England Priory, Storrington, Sussex.
ALL the 200 places hooked for
a youth section of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes this year have been taken up, and there are names on the waiting list. The full fare is £29 and savings groups have been formed in many parishes.
MORE than £10,000 has been left for the benefit of St. George's Church, Buckland, near Faringdon, Berks, under the will of Miss M. Gough, of Southwood Lodge, Shadwell, Thetford, Norfolk.
GIRLS of the Marist Convent, Paignton, won the Devon schools Higi.vay Code quiz at Exeter by half a point. They heat the Priory Girls Secondary Modern School, Exeter, by 138 to 137+ points in the final. The winning team was Mary Nickiin (captain), Penny Grist, Kathryn Brown and Julie Lloyd.
TALKS with priests, doctors and married reon e for engaged couples are being held at St. Dominic's Socia, Lemre, Newcastle, from 8 o'clock till 10 o'clock on Mondays.
wORK has begun on a new " Catholic training college, costing £800,000, at Keyworth, seven mles from Nottingham. The college, which should be ready next year, is for 450 women students.
The 28-acre site will also include a convent and a chapel. The cost of the scheme is being met entirely by the Church but part of the other costs will be met by the Department of Science and Education.
There will be a separate house for the princ-pal and tutors will have flats of their own.

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