Page 3, 13th March 1942

13th March 1942

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Page 3, 13th March 1942 — Milford Junior has discovered that

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Milford Junior has discovered that

WHEN writing to me please send name and address (not necessarily for publication). Some of you didn't this week, but rather than throw the letters into the proverbial basket, I'm holding them by for once to see if contributors, reading this, will write in and comply with a necessary ruling.
My big mail-bag reveals that : (1) Youth wants freedom to run centres under the leadership of youth; (2) That parochial clergy's function should be advisory, not " dictatorial " ; (3) That older lay people should be given little say in organisation of activities, but should be " tolerated " as instructor.s on subjects they specialise in; (4) That the Catholic Youth Movement should be co-ordinated under a national body, with a youth as Chief Leader ; (5) That Communism is youth's most dangerous enemy; (6) That no contributor has been brave enough to send rpe a photograph!
Here are selections:
" Vincent "—Wants Youth Run by Youth " Why do youth organisations fail when run by well-meaning but unimaginative people?" asks Vincent Burgon (18), of Stockport, who has had several years' experience with Boys' Clubs. "Because they are run FOR youth. and not BY youth."
He suggests: " Let youth have a say in their own organisations. and have their own committees, presidents and officials. Have district councils where delegates front all area organisations can meet to discuss ideas, etc. Then have a central council for Great Britain, with a youth at its head, always, of course. advised by a chaplain—but, please, PLEASE! let the chaplain be young and active. Fornt reading groups and debating societies where Catholic and non-Catholic view-points can be argued over, proved and disproved."
Dartford Girls Want Religious Instruction Two '17-ye:al-old girls from St. Agnes' Guild, Dartford, M. Hughes and M. Riden, also say that " the Club should have its own committee, which would have complete authority and be subject only to the Spiritual Director. with an experienced teacher to help produce all dramatic shows, and a P.T. instructor."
They show, too (as do very many contributors), Catholic youths' anxiety to bc instructed on Catholicism as it affects their everyday lives, and want " religious instruction, lantern lectures, and debates occasionally, with an annual retreat." They fur
ther suggest inter-Club sporting fixtures •
"Can't I Help?"—Hospital Patient's Enthusiasm
Here's something charming, pathetic.
A bed-ridden youth of 23, in and out of
hospital for four years, victim of TB., lies on his back, his faith and hope invincible. He wants to be in the swim; his big heart says: "How can I help?" R. Woodhouse (someone please write to him!), now at Grove Park Hospital (E3), Lee, London, S.E.I2, writes and says: " I am very keen. . . . Is there not something young Catholics in suc# circumstances as myself can do? And is there not something that can be done for them in the way 01 keeping them interested and connected with their brothers and sisters who are able to take a more active part in the great work?"
Do something right now, R.W. Our Youth Ship has set sail at last. Be its " spiritual stoker." The sea hides nasty things in it.
" Philip"—Wants to do Away With Petty Parochialism Breezily written, 17-year-old Philip E. Kilby's (Nottingham) letter doesn't mince matters. "Away with petty parochialisms," he cries (I agree, and how!). " Clergy and laity must co-operate in a great united NATIONAL effort, for without that unity we cannot succeed. We young people loathe dictatorship. Give us ff Mice in our own affairs! Youth alone knows what youth wants.. That is the secret of success of the Communist Youth League, now the Devil's arch-ally. Teach us how to grow up good Catholic citizens—not mere robots—fit to fare the difficulties lying ahead. Teach US
the social teaching of the Church Let us organiser'
"John"—Wants to Create Militant Christians
Finally this letter from John Morgan, of Batley. Co. Durham, reveals some fine
thinking in a young fellow of 18. Congrats, John! " The mistake, I am afraid, youth leaders are in danger of snaking," he writes, " is that they have only to get together a number of Catholic boys and girls, give them keep-fit classes. socials. dramatics, etc.. and then expect to have a highly successlul club.
" The whole point of Catholic youth organisation should be to equip us for the part we shall have to play floss' in the defence of our Faith against the attacks by young atheists, which we have to meet every day in the workshop and offices. We must be prepared to propagate Catholic social teachings In these same places, where C,71'pianism is apparently regarded as the only way our" 'Ihe new Movement is not to help pass the time, but is "a real chance ta mould us istro militant Christians," John goes on, " to achieve this object the best method is to start a National Catholic Youth Organisation, thereby creating the necessary esprit de corps which we must have if we are to fight successfully against atheistic Communism."
I'm pleased to see contributors agreeing on the need of co-ordinating the Catholic Youth Movement on a national basis. This is the view held by older people, too, rind by a growing number of persons on whom the decision to '' nationalise " the movement will depend—a day which I hope will not be far off. Meanwhile, the obvious thing is for each and all of us to help the movement in our respective parishes, to get it started in those parishes where nothing is being done so far, in the conviction that the parish is after all the movement's corner-stone sine geed non.
Now send along those photographs!

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